Earth Day 2024

Our earth is dying and, we know, a single spark is not enough to lead to a better future. Many sparks together yes.

Earth Day 2024

On the occasion of Earth Day we activated a social campaign aimed at all of us, in which in addition to summarizing the main objectives achieved during 2023 (DCNF data source from BPER Banca), we shared tips and commitments for both companies and single individuals. Because a spark alone can't do much, but many sparks together can light up the future, together.

Titolo paragrafo

Voluptas facilis id unde et dolore sapiente quo rerum. Eos ullam ad.

Scopriamo gli SDGs insieme ad Alan Capelli Goez

Alan è un attore, creator e attivista per temi ambientali. La persona giusta per aiutare BPER Banca nel diffondere cultura e senibilità verso temi ambientali.

Ma cosa sono gli SDGs?
L’ONU ha indicato 17 Obbiettivi per garantire un futuro prospero all’umanità e al pianeta. Si chiamano SDG (Sustainable Development Goals).

Ognuno di noi può applicarsi, ogni realtà, azienda ed individuo può utilizzarli come bussola per un futuro migliore.

Titolo paragrafo

Voluptas facilis id unde et dolore sapiente quo rerum. Eos ullam ad.

Scopriamo gli SDGs insieme ad Alan Capelli Goez

Con Alan analizziamo assieme l'SDG 13: Climate Action.

L’obiettivo 13 invita gli Stati ad integrare misure di protezione dell’ambiente nelle proprie politiche nazionali e di sostenersi reciprocamente di fronte alle sfide. 

Ognuno di noi può applicarsi, ogni realtà, azienda ed individuo, per agire in modo sostenibile e attento all'ambiente.


Il punto 7 degli SDG spiegato da Alan

Il punto 7 degli SDG ci ricorda quanto sia cruciale garantire accesso a un’energia pulita, affidabile e conveniente per tutti.

Ogni passo verso la riduzione delle fonti fossili e l’adozione di soluzioni energetiche innovative ci avvicina a un futuro più verde e prospero per tutti. 💚
Enviromentalprotection initiatives.

To ensure a future for our planet we must change our present.

At the BPER Group, we do this by reducing consumption, purchasing products with environmental quality labels, managing resources better and supporting projects that safeguard the environment. 

Collegamento di esempio
Paper consumption and digitalisation

Efficiency of paper use processes and digitalisation of services
Energy Management

Energy efficiency and self-production of energy from renewable sources

Sustainable Mobility

Reduction of emissions deriving from the company fleet and the home-work commute of colleagues

Green Supply Chain
Purchasing eco-labelled products.


Consumption of Electricity from Renewable Sources

Over 47 thousand

tCO2 not released or compensated

Target -23% by 2025

Emissions Energy Plan 2025/2030

-439 tons

Reduction in paper use

BPER Banca for
sustainable resource

Sustainability Projects

In 2022, we pursued internal awareness raising on sustainability issues. We entrusted our ESG Strategy function with
the responsibility of managing Energy and Mobility Management activities. Below are the concrete projects that involved people:


Progetti Correlati

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BPER Bank Plastic Free

To reduce plastic consumption, in and out of the workplace, we provided more than 3 thousand employees with a branded water bottle. Each employee consumes about 220 half-liter plastic bottles each year. Since 2020, almost 20,000 water bottles have been distributed, which, filled from home, help make our environment increasingly sustainable and plastic-free.

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Let's knock it off

To raise awareness of ESG issues among our people, we created a communication campaign that saw the birth of 11 Sustainability Pills for which we initiated or carried out concrete actions. Each pill represents one of the Agenda 2030 Goals and contains practical suggestions and contests to stimulate virtuous actions, as well as links and insights to the Sustainability Report .

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Let's Stop Polluting!

An initiative in collaboration with Wecity, in which we involved about 500 employees over three months. All those who signed up cycled, walked or scootered to their respective offices, thereby reducing emissions caused by home-to-work commutes by 12 tons of CO2.

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Let's stop wasting paper!

With the goal of reducing paper consumption by avoiding printed documents, we have involved more than 1,200 branches (in the first edition, in 2022) that have implemented behaviors aimed at paper dematerialization, resulting in savings of 8,222,883 sheets and 28.94 tons of CO2.

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Energy Saving Vademecum. 

To give substance to the sustainability pills, we have produced a document, to promote virtuous behaviors and change bad habits and actions, without giving up comfort and services, for example by optimizing the use of air conditioning and lighting devices and systems.  

Earth Day with WWF Italy

On Earth Day 2023, we took the lead together with WWF Italy and our customers in the "Valore Oasi" project. Thanks to fund raising we helped to protect and maintain two important Italian oases.

The management of climate and environmental risks and opportunities. 

Regarding the assessment of environmental and climate risks with financial impact, we did a physical risk, transition risk, and carbon footprint assessment of the Bank's own credit (Corporate) and investment portfolios. These studies allow us to assess the potential business implications of climate and environmental risks, and to inform stakeholders on how the organization is positioning itself in light of these risks.

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